11.13: Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs - Chemistry LibreTexts

conjugate base of hcl

conjugate base of hcl - win

Solvents and Leaving Groups

Solvents DO affect nucleophilicity and stability. They DO NOT affect basicity. Is my understanding of this correct?
For example in an E2 reaction, a 2° Alkyl Bromide would be more reactive than a 2° Alkyl Chloride even though a Bromide is more nucleophilic than a Chloride under these conditions? And this stems from the fact that as a conjugate base of HBr, Bromide is much weaker than the conjugate base of HCl, Chloride?
submitted by FanCooled to OrganicChemistry [link] [comments]

Cl + h20 -> no reaction , so cl- is conjugate base of HCN(weak acid) can i say cl- is strong base ?

so Cl- would be strong conjugate base of HCL (weak acid) right?
therefore Cl draws H+ from H2O right?
b/c i was reading book and it says strong base and strong acid does not hydrolyze....
which i thought it's always no reaction with water. but now to think of it..,its not..
it's actually... only if anion or cation that came from strong acid or strong base and if that reacts with water means no reaction... since anion that came from strong acid will be weak base.. which weak base does not draw H+ from h20.. and so forth..
let me know if i'm going right direction..

submitted by scarybrocc to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Choose the most acidic compound / choose the most basic compound

I'd really appreciate some help with these 2 multiple choice questions:
  1. Choose the strongest acid:
a) SiH4
b) SH2
c) PH3
d) CH4
I'd say b) SH2, because it has the most electronegative central atom.
  1. Choose the most basic compound: (Hint: A Lewis base is electron rich at the atom where it gains a proton.)
a) NF3
b) NH3
c) Cl-
d) CF3NH2
That hint really throws me off. If a base is electron rich, then wouldn't Cl- would be a base because it has 8 valence electrons? But Cl- obviously is an extremely weak base because it's the conjugate base of HCl... So I'm lost. I'd guess NH3 but can't really justify it.
submitted by agrathaab to chemhelp [link] [comments]

I had bright idea to IV clomethiazole, it turned my blood solid brown goop

Clomethiazole is an old sedative from the early 1900's with a mechanism of action similar to barbiturates. While technically not an RC, it's on the market with RC's. It has/had a history of medical usage intravenously, so I figured it'd be okay to try. I don't know if it had to do with it being the HCl salt (which wasn't marketed) or what, but as soon as I pulled back my blood turned instantly into a solid brown lump of goo. That's really fucking concerning. Obviously I didn't depress the plunger, but ...shit. I figured I'd let you guys know. I assume this was coagulation.
Edit: I'm pretty sure I found out why this happened with the suggestion of another poster. Clomethiazole has an pka of 3.2. This makes it a weaker base than most drugs that are hydrochloride salts (the most common salt of basic drugs). In turn this would make clomethiazole a stronger conjugate acid. Low pH causes blood to coagulate. As a pharmaceutical it's marketed as the edisylate salt from ethendisulfonic acid, a weaker acid than hydrochloric acid, making clomethiazole salt a weaker conjugate acid and edisylate a stronger conjugate base.
submitted by PurpleHaze147 to researchchemicals [link] [comments]

Removing Fe 3+ ions from HCl solution with sulfate or salicylate ions?

This question came up while I was preparing a home chemistry project. I am fairly new to home chem, but I have a decent chemistry background (working on my second year of college chemistry classes with two years of high school/AP chem classes). I mostly get my acid (muriatic acid/HCl) from a local hardware store, but it has a significant iron contamination and is not pure HCl. I am looking to use relatively pure HCl to avoid precipitating iron products.

So, the question arose: if I add the conjugate base of a strong acid that precipitates an insoluble iron compound, will it remove a reasonable amount of iron so it leaves relatively pure HCl? For this, I was considering hydroxide, sulfate, and salicylate ions. The sulfate seems like the best option because of the pKa of H2SO4 and that iron (III) sulfate is insoluble in HCl, but would salicylic acid be useful as well? Is it plausible that salicylic acid can lose its weaker H+ (on the alcohol group on its benzene ring) and precipitate an insoluble organometallic compound, Iron (III) salicylate? Or should I just buy some pure HCl from a chemical company?

I have no experience with organometallic compounds yet, so I don't know if this is a legit process. Please let me know if it's not and how I should improve this procedure!
submitted by Captain_cwunch to chemistry [link] [comments]

Lewis Acid/Base vs Nucleophile/electrophile

I'm currently learning about acid base reactions, and understand the concepts of arrhenius acid/base and bronsted acid/base pretty well, but I'm confused as to how something like lewis acid/base fits into this idea, and how it differs from the idea of nucleophiles/electrophiles. In the first two models (bronsted and Arrhenius), the idea seems to be that acids increase the hydronium concentration of the solution while bases decrease the hydronium concentration of solution. For instance, in the reaction HCl + NH3 → NH4+ + Cl-, the acid (HCl) dissociates (and reacts with water) creating H3O+ ions and the base (NH3) reacts with water to produce OH- ions, both of which clearly effect the overall concentration of H+ or OH-. In a lewis reaction, however, it often seem as if the reaction has nothing to do with H+ or OH-. For example, BF3 + F- ⇌ BF-. In this reaction, no dissociation occurs, and a singular product is formed instead of a conjugate acid and conjugate base. My question, is how does this constitute an acid base reactions, and how is this different than using the terms nucleophile and electrophile to describe the same exact process?
submitted by Chemstudents to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Tetrachloro- from Alkyne

This is kind of a dumb question but scifinder is failing me and I'm a physical chemist so organic scares me. I'm aware of the super basic chlorine addition reaction to double and triple bonds but if I actually wanted to do this reaction, I can't find any literature on conditions or yields or anything of the sort, just OrgoChem study aids. The substrate I'd plan on using is 2-hexynoic acid. So my questions are:
  1. Is there a better method of doing this?
  2. What kind of conditions do I need to get the tetrachloro product? How long, what temp, etc etc
  3. What kind of yield can I expect to actually get?
  4. Will the presence of the carboxylic acid affect things? Could I get around those issues with something like 2-hexyn-1-ol and then oxidize the alcohol to the acid afterwards?
  5. On a more technical side: if I generate Cl2 in situ with HCl/MnO2 or HCl/NaOCl, how do I remove it afterwards? I've seen cold fingers added on top of the reaction mixture to reflux the Cl2 but even then, what happens when you're completely done? Is bubbling through water sufficient?
For reference, my goal is to add an acid into a reverse micelle but I don't want the conjugate base to perturb the interior, so I want the acid to double as a surfactant so that it just inserts into the interfacial layer with the rest of the surfactants. Some testing has also shown that the pKa should be in the 0-2 range as anything much stronger seems to destroy the micelles. Finally, some literature on perfluoro carboxylic acids suggests that it's really only the first 1 or 2 carbons after the carboxylic acid that have a real impact on the pKa. We are aware that PFOA would actually be pretty ideal for our purposes but my PI is adamant that we avoid it for environmental reasons (which, you know... frustrating but also understandable and somewhat admirable). The difluoro or tetrafluoro would work fine as they don't seem to cause the same environmental issues as PFAS but there's no way I'm working with F2 (again, we are not an organic lab so neither me nor anyone else in the group has the experience to do it safely, plus COVID means we can't work in pairs, plus we lack the needed equipment for it). So I'm really just looking to make a relatively long tailed carboxylic acid with some decent electron withdrawing groups alpha and beta to the acid group. I cite the 6 carbon variant specifically just because I found it commercially available.
submitted by Bohrealis to Chempros [link] [comments]

Determining the pH at which [HClO] is two times higher than [ClO-]

Hi guys!
In my first-year gen chem practice exam, I found this question:
Chlorine is used in swimming pools to kill bacteria. When chlorine is dissolved in water, it forms HClO, the active form of chlorine that kills bacteria.
The pH of a pool is important because HClO is a weak acid (Ka = 4.0 x 10−8). The conjugate base ClO- cannot pass through a cell membrane, so it is much less effective at killing bacteria than is HClO.
At what pH is the concentration of HClO two times higher than that of ClO?
I got 7.10 but the answer in the book is 7.40. Can anyone help me understand why? I'll include a writeup of my process so we can see where I made mistakes.
My process:
  1. I wrote out the equilibrium constant expression as Ka = [H+][ClO] / [HClO].
  2. I let x = [H+] = [ClO], and [HClO] = 2x and subbed all my values into my Ka expression - it looked like this: 4.0 x 10−8 = (x)(x)/2x
  3. Then, I rearranged the equation to x2 − (4.0 x 10-8)(2x) = 0 and used the quadratic formula to solve for x. I got x = 8.0 x 10-8 M.
  4. Since x = [H+], I plugged 8.0 x 10-8 into the pH formula; pH = −log[H+] = −log(8.0 x 10-8) = 7.10.
submitted by lemonsoranges to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Strong Acid Strong Base Titration Question

HCl + NaOH —> NaCl + H2O
I know the Na and Cl are spectator ion. I know the reason for this is that both are effective as conjugates because HCl and NaOH are strong acids and bases respectively, so their conjugates are ineffective. However, can I also look at this in terms of net ionic? Because HCl is a strong acid, it’s mostly present as H+ and Cl- right? Same thing with the NaOH in that it’s mostly present as Na+ and OH-. So here’s the net ionic:
H+ + OH- —> H2O or if I’m being accurate, H3O+ + OH- —> 2 H2O
This is why the pH doesn’t change because the product side doesn’t produce any conjugate acids or bases that are effective.
My question: Is the net ionic representation ok to explain why Na+ and Cl- are spectators in a strong acid strong base reaction?
submitted by ObjectivePerceptor to chemistryhelp [link] [comments]


If this is the reaction:
then, wouldnt the solid in the reaction (in the products side) be a strong acid since it is the salt or conjugate acid of a weak base?

So why would D be the answer? Wouldn't reacting a strong acid (the solid) with HCl, another strong acid not dissolve the solid? Wouldn't it be better to react a strong acid with a strong base like NaOH to dissolve the solid?
submitted by hurfwjkrh3 to Mcat [link] [comments]

Stong acids

So when a stong acid is put in water [H3O+] is gonna equal [strong acid]. Does that mean that the conjugated base will also equal this concentration?
For example HClO4 + H2O = H3O+ + ClO4-
Will the final concentration of the H3O+ be equal to the concentration of ClO4 and the initial concentration of HClO4?
Sorry if my terms are not really precise, english is not my first language.
submitted by unique_username_ok to chemistryhelp [link] [comments]

Wondering if anyone could help me with a RNA extraction question

I don’t know if this is the right subreddit to ask this in, but I had (i think?) basic question. I’m using sodium acetate solution as part of a sodium acetate/isopropanol RNA purification extraction. The protocol says “3 M sodium acetate solution at pH 5.2”. I only had solid sodium acetate powder so I added water to make 3 M solution but the pH was 8.5. I then added concentrated HCl until the pH was 5.2.
Im starting to have second thoughts about this, thinking i should have added conc. acetic acid (since the HCl will not make a buffer since it doesn’t have the conjugate base?). Am I right in thinking this or will the HCl solution work? My chemistry and RNA knowledge is sparse bc I’m an undergrad and I want to make sure I actually get Purified Rna. Thanks if anyone has any unput!
submitted by collegeave628 to molecularbiology [link] [comments]

Basicity of F-, Cl-, Br- and I-

I'm confused with the basicity of the F-, Cl-, Br- and I-
I know that the weak acid has strong conjugate base and HI is strong acid than HF. The acidity increases in the order HI>HBr>HCl>HF. So, basicity of their conjugate bases will be in the order of I- Also, I know another theory which states that the basicity increses down the group due to larger size. So according to this, I- is more basic than F- and the basicity is in the order of I->Br->Cl->F-
What am I missing? Where am I wrong? I know I sound foolish. But someone please explain this to me. Thanks.
submitted by FlaringPhoenix_ to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Wondering if anyone could help me with a buffer question?

I don’t know if this is the right subreddit to ask this in, but I had (i think?) basic question. I’m using sodium acetate solution as part of a sodium acetate/isopropanol RNA purification extraction. The protocol says “3 M sodium acetate solution at pH 5.2”. I only had solid sodium acetate powder so I added water to make 3 M solution but the pH was 8.5. I then added concentrated HCl until the pH was 5.2.
Im starting to have second thoughts about this, thinking i should have added conc. acetic acid (since the HCl will not make a buffer since it doesn’t have the conjugate base?). Am I right in thinking this or will the HCl solution work? My chemistry and RNA knowledge is sparse bc I’m an undergrad and I want to make sure I actually get Purified Rna. Thanks if anyone has any unput!
submitted by collegeave628 to labrats [link] [comments]

Princeton review gen chem passage 49

Princeton review gen chem passage 49
According to the logic of the key, NaCl is a strong base so its conjugate acid should be neutral. But isn't the conjugate base of NaCl HCl, which should be a strong acid? I also don't get why NaF wouldn't produce a weak acid HF when it's dissolved in water.
The correct answer, NH4Cl will form an acidic solution in water because NH4+ will dissociate into NH3 and H+?
submitted by xfbcvxxfbcvx7 to Mcat [link] [comments]

Question about Acids and Conjugate Bases

NS FL 3 C/P #58

So a stronger acid will have a weaker conjugate base, right? That's why HCl is such a strong acid (since Cl- is a poor base). But when I was doing a NS practice exam, the reasoning for something being more basic is because it's conjugate acid is more stabilized.

So does the stability of the conjugate acid/base not correspond to how weak or strong it is? Because if a stronger acid has a weaker conjugate base, wouldn't a stronger base have a weaker conjugate acid? And my thought was that since the conjugate acid is stabilized, it would be stronger. Or does a stabilized conjugate acid mean it's a weaker acid?
submitted by DefyingSeth to Mcat [link] [comments]

A compound HA has a pKa of 9.4. To 1 L of a 0.1 M solution of this compound at pH 8.0 is added 20 mL of 3.0 M HCl. What is the pH of the resulting solution?

This is a simple H-H equation problem, but it's weird because the pKa is greater than the pH and so there is a small amount of conjugate base at equilibrium. The 0.06 mol of acid added from the HCl neutralizes all the conjugate base and then some, resulting in a negative number. Then using the H-H equation, I am stopped when attempting to take the log of a negative number. PLEASE HELP.
submitted by andywu2334 to chemhelp [link] [comments]

Preliminary Characterization of a Nisin Z Bacteriocin with Activity Against the Fish Pathogen Streptococcus iniae- Juniper Publishers


This is a preliminary characterisation of a bacteriocin, BacL49 produced by Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis. This bacteriocin is significant due to its activity against Streptococcus iniae, a bacterial pathogen causing severe economic losses in the global aquaculture of various fish. Spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays were used to test antagonistic activity of the bacteriocin. BacL49 is heat and pH stable (100 °C for 60min, pH 2.5-9.5), and sensitive to proteinase K, a-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain. BacL49 has a bactericidal mode of action and is produced during late log phase growth. BacL49 exhibits a broad activity spectrum against S. iniae, antagonising 93.75% (45/48) of S. iniae isolates collected from a variety of hosts and environments. The apparent molecular masses of the active protein components determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis are 5 and 54kDa. Molecular analyses were performed to locate the genetic determinants of BacL49. PCR of chromosomal DNA successfully amplified the structural gene encoding the precursor of nisin. Subsequent analysis of nucleotide sequences of the PCR products revealed it to be identical to the nis Z structural gene of nisin Z. There is a paucity of reports examining the inhibition of S. iniae by a lactococcal bacteriocin or even L. lactis as an aquacultural probiotic. This is one of the first studies to identify nisin genes in a strain of L. lactis exhibiting activity against S. iniae. BacL49 is a candidate biocontrol agent for mitigation of this important fish pathogen.
Keywords: Bacteriocin; Lactococcus lactis; Probiotic; Streptococcus iniae; Nisin Z
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Streptococcus iniae is one of the most economically important bacterial pathogens causing streptococcosis in fish. Globally, economic damages have been in excess of US$100 million per year [1] with as much as 70% loss in annual production in certain fish cultures [2]. S. iniae causes disease and mortality in at least 30 species of fish in marine, brackish and freshwater environments [3,4]. Outbreaks of S. iniae typically occur in warm-water, cultured situations throughout the world including Australia, Bahrain, Israel, Japan, Korea, Spain, Italy, and the United States [4,5-10]. Epizootic incidents have also been reported in wild populations [11,12], the most notable being the 1999 and 2008 Caribbean fish kills [13,14]. Zoonotic infections of S. iniae, normally caused by percutaneous injuries sustained during raw seafood preparations, have been reported in Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and the United States [15]. Prevention and treatment of S. iniae in aquaculture remains difficult, particularly with the industry seeking safer alternatives to antibiotics and vaccines. Antibiotics, including erythromycin have previously been successful in treating streptococcus is in fish [16]. Nonetheless, the use of antibiotics in aquaculture is gradually being eschewed due to widespread development of antibiotic resistance in the environment and in cultured fish, which causes consumer concern [16-18]. In some cases, antibiotics are also believed to merely suppress clinical symptoms without eliminating the infection, thereby promoting the development of "carrier fish" [1].
Research devoted to creating effective vaccines for prevention of S. iniae suffered a major setback when a novel serotype of S. iniae caused severe outbreaks in Israel amongst vaccinated rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) [19,20]. Since then, commercial vaccines against S. iniae have been marketed, but are very limited geographically [21,22]. Alternative vaccines have yielded successful results but are still undergoing testing [2325]. In spite of this progress, the task of effectively vaccinati Oceanogr Fish Open Access J 3(2): OFOAJ.MS.ID.555610 (2017) each individual can be tedious, expensive, and even stressful for the fish [26]. Vaccinations can be futile when applied to juvenile fish that may not be fully immunocompetent [27]. Additionally, S. iniae is capable of surviving in the aquatic environment without a host [11,28,29] and this was speculated to have been a factor in the evolution of the new serotype by allowing the bacterium to evade the immune response of the vaccinated fish [19]. Furthermore, the outbreak in Israel is evidence of serotype diversity that could enable S. iniae to eventually overcome yet another vaccine. Thus, the quest continues for a long-term solution that can be universally and easily applied throughout the aquaculture industry [25]. Chemical-free "green solutions" appear to be the next era of therapeutics for preventing bacterial epizootics in fish [17]. Probiotics, either in the form of whole cells or cell components such as bacteriocins, are anticipated as being effective replacements for antibiotics and chemotherapeutics to fight infectious diseases [30]. Bacteriocins are a group of proteinaceous molecules that are biologically active against bacteria that are closely related to the bacteriocin producer, while the producer is immune [31-33]. Ubiquitous across all bacterial genera, these ribosomally synthesized peptides confer a selective advantage to their producers [31,32,34]. Bacteriocins are recognized as potentially useful agents in the control of bacterialinfections due to their effectiveness, non-toxicity and relatively cheap production [32,35,36]. Only two published studies on bacteriocins have tested S. iniae as an indicator species [37,38].
An inhibitory substance, identified as bacteriocin BacL49, was found during experimentation with the library of S. iniae and other aquatic bacteria from James Cook University (JCU). The bacteriocin was produced by a strain of Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis and was observed to inhibit a large spectrum of S. iniae isolates. L. lactis, along with the rest of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are considered the most prolific of all the Gram-positive bacteriocinogens [32,39]. A versatile species, variousstrains of L. lactis can produce an assortment of bacteriocins that are predominantly encoded on plasmids [40-43]. Some L. lactis strains produce the bacteriocin nisin, a small (<5kDa), membrane-active member of the Lantibiotic class of LAB bacteriocins capable of antagonistic activity towards a wide range of Gram-positive bacteria [44-46]. Nisin is heat-tolerant (115-121 °C) at low pH levels, making it an ideal preservative in pasteurised and acidic food products [45,46]. Being "generally regarded as safe," nisin has achieved worldwide recognition as a non-toxic food additive in over 50 countries [31,32,45]. As produced by various strains of L. lactis, nisin occurs as natural variants with designations A, Z, Q, and F [47-49]. 106 Unlike most plasmid-encoded bacteriocins produced by L. lactis, nisin is encoded on a conjugative transposon [50-52], a chromosomally- associated segment of DNA with the capacity to repeatedly insert into and mobilise plasmids and genomes [52,53]. Thus, one objective of this study was to identify the genetic determinants of the bacteriocin BacL49 through assessing the prevalence of plasmids in L. lactis subsp. lactis L49 and examining the bacterial chromosomal DNA for nisin genes. This study also provides a brief characterisation of bacteriocin BacL49 and highlights the potential of this substance as a green solution for S. iniae infections in fish.
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Materials And Methods

Source and identification of BacL49 producer. A lawn of S. iniae AS-04-1524#1 (JCU isolate S42; Table 1) was observed as a mixed culture, with one distinct colony type antagonizing the growth of the other. Both isolates were identified using a PCR assay for the lactate oxidase (lctO) gene of S. iniae using the primer combination LOX-1/LOX-2 [54], and a 16S rDNA PCR assay using universal primers 27F/1492R. PCR products were cleaned and sequenced by Macrogen Inc. (Korea). The 16S PCR assay returned a sequence 99% identical to Lactococcus lactis ssp. lactis in BLAST. According to sequencing, the antagonizing bacterium was identified as L. lactis L49, originally isolated from a moribund sleepy cod (Oxyeleotris lineolatus) at JCU. The inhibitory substance produced by L. lactis L49 was designated as BacL49.
*Altered TAAHL accession number. Changes were made for unknown reasons by previous researchers; it is likely these isolates are from the correct animal accession but the final number has been altered (ie. -9 and -11). **Invalid TAAHL accession number.
Bacterial growth and isolation of BacL49. Unless otherwise stated, bacteria were propagated aerobically at 28 °C in heart infusion broth (HIB) or agar (HIA) produced by the addition of 1.5% technical agar to HIB. Bacterial lawns were made by seeding HIA plates with 1ml overnight growth of bacteria, removing excess culture and allowing lawns to dry at room temperature. To produce cell-free supernatant (cfs) containing BacL49, L. lactis L49 was grown aerobically at 28 °C for 10-12h, then centrifuged at 4300g for 5min and filtered through 0.45|im. Aliquots of cfs were stored at 4 °C.
135 Assays for antagonistic activity. The activity of L. lactis L49 against 48 isolates of S. iniae (Table 1) was determined by an altered deferred antagonism method [55]. Briefly, an overnight L. lactis L49 culture was streaked in a single line on an HIA plate with a sterile loop. Bacterial isolates and a control of uninoculated broth were then streaked with sterile loops in parallel at right angles to L49. Zones of inhibition were measured after incubation for 16h. For interest, streak plates were made to determine the activity of L. lactis L49 against B antibiotic resistant human pathogens including E. coli B597, E. coli 53e, community acquired methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae. For these human isolates, one plate was incubated at 37 °C with CO2 and the other was incubated aerobically at 37 °C to ensure sufficient growth of the pathogens. Zones of inhibition were measured after 24h.
146 Antagonistic activity of BacL49 was detected qualitatively on solid media using a spot-on-lawn assay [56]. Antagonistic activity was quantified in liquid media using a modified microtitre plate assay [57]. The indicator culture was grown to an optical density of approximately 0.2 measured at 540nm, and added to two-fold dilutions of the growth medium or cfs (treated or untreated) in duplicate 96-well round bottom plates. Plates were incubated aerobically for 3h at 28 °C and the optical density measured. Antagonistic activity was defined as the reciprocal of the dilution causing 50% growth inhibition (determined by optical density) relative to the control culture without cfs (AU = arbitrary units). S. iniae S23 was used as the indicator strain for all spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays due to its high level of sensitivity to BacL49.
Effect of heat, pH and enzymes on BacL49 activity. To determine the heat stability of BacL49 activity, cfs samples (pH 5) were heated at 100 °C for 10, 20, 30 and 60min. Samples were cooled to room temperature before spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays. To determine the effect of pH on BacL49 activity, cfs samples were adjusted to pH levels between 1.5 and 9.5 using 1N NaOH or HCl. Samples were incubated with agitation for 2h, then readjusted to pH 5 (the pH level of untreated cfs following incubation) before spot-on-lawn and microtitre plate assays. To determine the effect of different enzymes on BacL49 activity, cfs samples were adjusted to pH 7.0 and treated to a final concentration of 2mg ml-1 with the following enzymes: proteinase K (40 units mg-1), a-chymotrypsin (59.3 units mg- 1), trypsin (2.6 units mg-1), pepsin, papain (19 units mg-1), and catalase (1340 units mg-1). Samples were incubated at 37 °C with agitation for 2h, then at 100 °C for 5min to deactivate enzymes. Remaining antagonistic activity was measured using the spot- on-lawn assay. An untreated cfs sample was used as a control in all assays.
170 Kinetics of production and activity. The kinetics of BacL49 production by L. lactis L49 were investigated by measuring the growth of the bacterium and activity of BacL49 produced over the same period. Overnight growth of L. lactis L49 was added to HIB (3.75% volume) and the culture was incubated with agitation. The optical density of the culture was measured at 600nm every hour until 12h, then periodically to 28h. At each reading, 1ml culture was removed to produce cfs, which was stored at 4 °C. Antagonistic activity was measured using a spot- on-lawn assay following the collection of all cfs samples.
The activity of BacL49 was determined as either bacteriostatic or bactericidal by measuring the growth of indicator strain S. iniae S23 after the addition of BacL49. Early log-phase growth of the indicator strain was distributed into triplicate 10ml aliquots. One ml of cfs was added to two indicator cultures and HIB was added to the remaining control culture. Optical density was measured at 600nm over 24h. To measure cell viability in a treated culture, mid log-phase growth of the indicator strain was distributed into duplicate 10ml aliquots. One ml cfs was added to one aliquot and HIB was added to the control. Optical density measurements at 600nm were taken over time and 10-fold serial dilutions were grown on HIA to measure cell forming units (cfu) of the indicator strain in both cultures at 48h.
Protein purification. L. lactis L49 was grown overnight in HIB previously filtered through Millipore type HA filters (to remove unwanted proteins from the media). A portion of the cfs produced from this culture was treated with ammonium sulphate in two stages. For the primary precipitation, saturated ammonium sulphate solution was slowly added to 100ml cfs while stirring to 60% saturation at room temperature. The solution was agitated 12h at 4 °C, then centrifuged at 4500g for 30min at 4 °C. The precipitate was resuspended in 10ml sterile distilled water. A small portion was removed and stored at 4 °C for the activity assay. Saturated ammonium sulphate solution was added to the remaining primary solution while stirring to 80% saturation at RT. This solution was agitated 12h at 4 °C, then centrifuged at 4500g for 30min at 4 °C. The secondary precipitate was resuspended in 1ml (1% original volume) sterile distilled water and stored at 4 °C. The activity of the ammonium sulphate precipitated (primary and secondary) proteins was tested with a microtitre plate assay.
Approximate molecular size of BacL49 was determined by tris-tricine sodium dodecyl sulfate- polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). Aliquots of the partially purified protein samples and untreated cfs were prepared with TruSep tricine SDS sample buffer and run on 16% tris-tricine gels with a low MW prestained protein ladder (Fermentas, Australia) at a constant 150V. Gels were silver stained using a Silver Stain Plus staining kit (BioRad, Australia) according to the manufacturer's protocol 208.
Proteins separated by SDS PAGE were eluted from the gel using a modified protocol from Busarcevic et al. [58]. Following agitation at room temperature overnight, the eluted samples were centrifuged at 10,000g for 5min and the supernatants concentrated by vacuum at 33 °C for 20min. Two controls were used: one elution made with a slice of gel from an unused well lane (containing no protein) and one with elution buffer only. Eluted samples were assayed for antimicrobial activity with a spot-on-lawn assay.
DNA purification. Isolation of plasmid DNA was carried out using the Wizard® Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System (Promega, Australia). Low-copy number plasmids were assumed for all strains. Genomic DNA isolations were carried out using the High Pure PCR Prep Kit (Roche, Australia) for the detection of nisin structural genes. DNA isolation procedures were performed according manufacturer specifications with the addition of a lysozyme step for Gram-positive bacteria. Negative control preparations contained no bacterial culture.
DNA products were resolved by electrophoresis on agarose gels stained with GelRedTM and then visualised under UV light. Since L. lactis strains often harbour a wide size-range (2kb to about 100kb) of plasmids (Teuber and Geis, 2006), plasmid DNA products were visualised using two different DNA ladders. These included the 1kb GeneRulerTM (Fermentas, Australia) used with 1% (w/v) agarose gels at 90V and the Lambda Mix Marker 19 (Fermentas, Australia) used with 0.5% (w/v) agarose gels at 40V.
PCR analysis of the nisin gene. Oligonucleotide primers (Macrogen, Korea) were designed using the NCBI-ORF Finder and OLIGO 7 primer analysis software (Table 2) to target the nis A structural gene. Genomic DNA samples were prepared for PCR using GoTaq® Green master mix (Promega, Australia). As L. lactis L53 was found to contain a plasmid (results not shown), this isolate was included in the procedure. For negative controls, a tube of reaction mix containing indicator strain S. iniae S23 and one without sample DNA were included for the nisin structural gene protocol, and for the PCR protocol, respectively. DNA was amplified in a thermocycler (Eppendorf, Australia) set for denaturation at 94 °C, annealing at 55 °C and extension at 72 °C. PCR products were visualised on 2% (w/v) agarose gels at 120V, along with a 50bp GeneRulerTM (Fermentas, Australia). Sequence information (Macrogen, Korea) of the PCR products was analysed using Sequencher® 5.0 software. The resulting consensus sequences were compared to DNA and protein sequences contained in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database via BLAST search of "highly similar" sequences.
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L. lactis L49 produced antagonistic activity against 93.75% (45/48) of S. iniae isolates in the JCU library (Figure 1). L. lactis L49 failed to inhibit the growth of isolates S32, S39, S47 and the human pathogens tested. Antagonistic activity of BacL49 remained following 60min at 100 °C and over a broad pH range (pH 2.5-9.5), though activity was weaker at pH levels higher than 5.5 (Table 3). The cfs also showed antagonistic activity against the indicator after exposure to pepsin and catalase, but lost activity when exposed to proteinase K, a-chymotrypsin, trypsin and papain. L. lactis L49 began producing BacL49 at the end of the log growth phase (Figure 2). BacL49 production reached a maximum at early stationary phase, but began to drop following600min growth and continued to decrease to the end of 24h.
Activity measured as present (+) or absent (-) for enzyme tests. Absence antagonistic activity (-) correlates to senstivity (s) to the enzyme tested, and antagonism of the indicator (+) correlates to resistance (r) to the enzyme tested; Cfs: Cell Free Supernatant.
A Growth of the indicator strain was not only inhibited following the addition of BacL49, but the optical density of the culture continued to drop steadily over time without recovery, while the control culture grew normally to a high optical density. The cell viability of the treated indicator culture dropped 10fold in the first 30min following the addition of BacL49 and continued to drop over 70min while the control culture cfu increased 10-fold.
Ammonium sulphate precipitation successfully concentrated the bacteriocin (Table 3). The primary precipitate showed 8 times the activity (in AU) of the untreated cfs and the secondary precipitate showed at least 64 times the activity of the untreated cfs (1/512 was the highest dilution made of the substances tested in the microtitre assay).
Tris-tricine SDS PAGE allowed separation of the low molecular weight proteins, and multiple protein bands were clarified after silver staining of the gel (Figure 3). Following elution of proteins from the tris-tricine gel slices, only minor antagonistic activity was produced on the indicator strain by the small molecular weight band (5kDa) but strong antagonism was produced by the large molecular weight (54kDa) band.
Following plasmid extraction, DNA samples of L49 showed faint bands that were too unremarkable to be denoted as plasmids (Figure 4). Based on this data, further plasmid experimentation was not pursued. PCR for the nisin structural gene resulted in products just over 100bp for isolates L49 and L53 (Figure 5). No bands were detected for S23 or the control. Sequence analysis of the L49 PCR product yielded a consensus sequence of the nisin structural gene (Figure 6) that was 99% homologous to the nis A structural gene and 100% homologous to the nisZ structural gene (Table 4). The protein BLAST search showed 100% homology with the Nisin Z precursor, followed by that of nisins F and A, and then nisin Q (Table 4). A deduced amino acid sequence of BacL49 was also obtained from the BLAST search, which showed that BacL49 was identical to nisin Z.
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The inhibitory substance BacL49 produced by L. lactis L49 has been identified as a bacteriocin due to meeting the criteria of being a biologically active protein moiety with a bactericidal mode of action [33]. BacL49 can be produced in anaerobic conditions and is capable of diffusing through solid media (results not shown), which rules out hydrogen peroxide and phage activity, respectively, as the cause of antagonism. The protein nature of BacL49 was confirmed by its sensitivity to a number of proteases and the mode of action was confirmed as bactericidal by optical density and cell viability experiments.
BacL49 is heat and pH stable, though antagonistic activity was weaker when the bacteriocin was incubated in an alkaline environment. An acidic pH can be necessary for the retention of the cationic properties of bacteriocin peptides, which appear to be crucial for their antagonistic activity [59]. Most L. lactis bacteriocins, including nisin, are heat stable and tolerant to acidic conditions [21,60-62] but many show different enzyme sensitivities. A review of publications describing Nisin Z production by L. lactis strains isolated from various sources found that nisin Z is consistently sensitive to proteinase-K, but varies in sensitivity to trypsin, a-chymotrypsin, and papain. A few published descriptions of nisin exactly matched the protease sensitivity profile of BacL49 [63-65]. Interestingly, the only other described nisin isolated from fish differs from BacL49 in sensitivity to trypsin and a-chymotrypsin [37].
A bactericidal mode of action was confirmed by the reduction over time in optical density and Viable cell count of the BacL49 treated indicator culture. It is known that many antibiotics kill bacteria by targeting lipid II, thus blocking cell wall synthesis and leading to cell lysis by pore formation [44,66,67], and it is possible that BacL49 performs in a similar manner. The bactericidal mode of action of BacL49 not only confirms this substance is a bacteriocin, it indicates that BacL49 could reduce bacterial loads in fish or the environment by destroying S.iniae cells.
Production of antagonistic activity by the two differently sized peptide bands eluted from SDS PAGE gels (54kDa, and 5kDa) suggests that two different inhibitory substances are being concurrently produced by L. lactis L49. The two component lantibiotic lacticin 3147 consists of two 3-4kDa peptides, but both are required for antagonistic activity [68]. This required cooperation is apparently not the case with the two BacL49 peptides, as evidenced by their independent production of antagonism. It is also possible that cleaving of BacL49 is occurring; the large molecular weight peptide may be an unseparated quaternary structure of the small peptide.
The results of the plasmid extraction do not support the hypothesis that L49 contained plasmids. The faint bands observed after electrophoresis were not indicative of a typical plasmid profile. Chromosomal DNA extraction results suggest that L49 possesses the structural gene encoding the nisin precursor. Interestingly, equally strong bands for the structural gene were evident for isolate L53. Whilst this result was not expected due to isolate L53 only inhibiting 30% of S. iniae isolates in the JCU library (results not shown), it was also not surprising since various strains of L. lactis have been observed to produce nisin.
Based on the NCBI BLAST search results, BacL49 is likely nisin Z. The DNA sequence was shown to differ from that of nisin A exactly as stated in Mulders et al. [48], varying at position by a C to A transversion. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with those of the other nisin variants, coupled with the protein BLAST results, substantiates the nucleotide results. Nisin Z is a natural nisin variant that has only been produced by strains of L. lactis, however these strains have been isolated from a variety of sources from different environments.
Producers of nisin Z have previously been derived from dairy [51,69] and vegetables products [70,71]. Recently, it has been shown that they are also associated with mangroves [72], marine fish [37], and now with freshwater fish. The source of the producing strain could have an impact on how and in what context it can be used most effectively.
Based on the results of this study, it is likely that BacL49 is encoded on a conjugative transposon. Like plasmids, some conjugative transposons can possess a very broad host range [73], allowing for the dissemination of various traits (e.g. antibiotic resistance) across different species [53,74,75]. Further research following this study should focus on isolating this mobile genetic element from L49, characterising it, and assessing its potential novelty and uses by genetic manipulation.
Other bacteriocin-producing L. lactis strains have been isolated from freshwater fish in the past [47,60] however these studies tested bacteriocin activity against S. aureus, L. monocytogenes, and other pathogens important in food spoilage and human infection. This study reports similar findings to that in Heo et al. [37], in which a strain of L. lactis subsp. lactis was isolated from the intestine of a marine olive flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) and was found to inhibit S.iniae during in vitro experiments. Heo et al. [37] examined the in vitro effects of nisin Z against S. iniae by combining it with varying concentrations of NaCl. The authors concluded that the ability of nisin Z to inhibit the growth of S. iniae was synergistically improved when applied in conjunction with NaCl. This is significant for marine- based aquaculture. The producer of BacL49 was isolated from a freshwater fish species, thus it would be interesting to look for any significant differences in activity between BacL49 and nisin Z originating from a marine source BacL49 could have important applications in the aquaculture industry with regard to S. iniae.
The ability to retain its activity through heating processes would allow this bacteriocin to be readily incorporated into commercial fish food. The fact that BacL49 remains active over a broad pH range is also advantageous because S. iniae can establish in a variety of organs and tissues in infected fish. BacL49 could also be added directly into the culture water as a non-toxic means of biological control of S. iniae in the culture environment and be a supplement to vaccination procedures. This environmental treatment could address the issue of S. iniae cells surviving freely in the water and evading the immune responses of vaccinated fish. Differences in activity, such as increased inhibitory specificity, distinguish bacteriocins from classical antibiotics and are another advantage to their use in a cultured environment [76]. This specificity can reduce the risk of non-target bacteria (particularly beneficial ones) being antagonized and minimize the threat of resistance development. However, the broad activity spectrum of BacL49 on different isolates of S. iniae would prove to be an advantage due to the large variation that exists between strains of this pathogen [76,77].
The pathological effects of bacteriocins must be considered before they are used in an in vivo situation, and it would be beneficial to determine whether the bacteriocin is strongly antigenic [33]. However, most bacteriocins are not toxic to animals at effective antimicrobial concentration due to their specificity [78]. Despite the results of this study showing that high concentrations of BacL49 are easy to achieve, bacteriocin delivery or retention in fish tissues could prove difficult in vivo. If this were the case, L. lactis ssp. lactis L49 could be trialed as a probiotic. Great interest has been shown towards LAB as potential probiotics, as they are well-recognised for their bacteriocinogenic capabilities and presence within the normal microbiota of fish (typically the intestine) [30,79]. Not only can they withstand acidic stomach conditions, but they can grow and colonise the intestine of fish [80]. The piscine origins of L49 may contribute to its survivability and efficacy as a potential probiotic, though there are few studies examining L. lactis as a probiotic specifically against fish pathogens. Though L. lactis has not been documented as a fish pathogen and is regularly present in the aquatic environment and the intestinal tract of both freshwater and marine fish [71,81-84], it would be necessary to confirm isolate L49 as non-pathogenic to the species of fish undergoing treatment. The elucidation of the L. lactis genome and the fact that products from the bacteria are generally regarded as safe make the bacterium a unique candidate for genetically engineered live vaccines as well [85].
BacL49 is significant because it displays a broad activity spectrum for S. iniae isolates, implicating it as a new therapeutic or preventative agent for infections caused by this economically important fish pathogen. Nisin has had a long history as a safe food additive in the manufacturing of various foods for human consumption, thus BacL49 may also be integrated with fish food without serious concern over chemical residues. Purified BacL49 should be tested in vivo to determine antigenicity of the substance in fish, and the bactericidal action of the bacteriocin should be studied in depth to identify problems that may arise with bacterial resistance.
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AP Chemistry 2017 FRQ answers

These are the answers I worked out for them, please disagree/agree with me below:
1Ai) 0.31mol cl2 II) 7.9g cs2
Bi) more collisions Bc higher frequency at higher temperature. Also more effective collisions taking place Bii) I drew the line below the curve
ci) cl-s-s-cl with no double bonds, just dots filled around until they all have 8 electrons Cii) ~109 degrees
Di) London dispersion forced and dipole dipole II) ccl4 > HCl in intermolecular forces Bc it condensed at a higher temperature. Also it has a greater electron cloud, meaning it's more polarizable.
2a) left because it shows the more electronefstive atom, oxygen, with a formal charge of -1 B) delta H = -246kj/mol C) one gas molecule on either side D) g = h-ts (all deltas). Since H is negative, and delta S is virtually zero, delta g is negative and forward rxn is thermodynamically favorable and K > 1, so isocyanic acid dominates
Ei) if you take the Ln[Co(nh2)2] and plot against time, you get a straight downward sloping line II) .069 1/hr
F) same concentrations in beginning of reactant. Record rate of rxn. Then change OHconcentration and record rate.
3a) Kp = [no]2 / [n2][o2]
B) using an ice table, i solved for "x" since it tells you your equilibrium concentration of NO is 0.122atm at end. I ended up with 1.61x10-3 = Kp
Ci) if you take half the volume of the 0.100M Naoh, you can make the HNO2 solution reach a half-equivalence point, where pH = pka, and [HNO2] = [NO2]. Cii) 50.0ml naoh
D) buffer 2 because higher concentration of acid and conjugate base
E) pH = 3.1, so less than 3.4
4a) dye c because like dissolves like; it travelled up furthest with the NONPOLAR solvent B) dye A because it's Rf value is approximately equal to that of the unknown dye (basically, it's ratio of 1/2 is the same)
5a) q = mcT. So q = 15.2Kj (3 sig figs Bc you didn't use the mass of c3h7oh in calculation)
B) dimensional analysis. If 0.55g c3h7oh releases 15.2kj, then 1 mol of it will release 1700Kj (2 sig figs this time)
C) less Bc less heat evolved since less molecules of c3h7oh burned
6a) 9.6 mg(oh2) since 4x3 = Ksp = 1.8x10-11
B) Sr has a larger ionic radius, means that electrons feel less pull, therefore easier to pull away.
7ai) dichromate is reduced, and oxygen is produced, so you must use the equation with E = -.70v. My answer was 0.63v POSITIVE
Aii) cobalt is oxidized, make E negative. The other equation is 1.77V. Therefore E overall = -.07v
Bi) use dichromate because it's E overall is positive, which means it's delta G is negative. Thermodynamically favorable.
Bii) -360kj/mol
These were what I remember getting (after working it out again). These are by no means the absolute RIGHT answers, just what I got.
Update: for 6a) I put 9.6x10-4 g mg(Oh)2, not just 9.6g.
submitted by katyperry145 to apchemistry [link] [comments]

Biochemistry Buffer calculations

I have a sodium phosphate buffer with a pH of 7.4

If it is 10mL at 0.05M then how many mmoles of the conjugate acid and base do I have.

If 1.0mL of 0.1M HCl is added to the solution then what is the mmoles of the solution, and what is the pH?
submitted by Youvegotmalware to cheatatmathhomework [link] [comments]

What is the pH after addition of Acid or Base?

What is the pH after addition of Acid or Base?
Hi, so I worked this problem out and I think I did it right but need someone to check my work. So when NaOH (strong base) is added, it converts some of HCHO2 (weak acid) into conjugate base. After it's added to the solution, the pH rises. The opposite occurs after the HCl is added and the pH becomes more acidic.
submitted by ss2785 to chemhelp [link] [comments]

If the pKa of carboxylic acid is 3, then what is the pKa of the resulting carboxylate anion?

In general, what is the pKa of an acid's conjugate base? If HCl gives away its hydrogen, does Cl- have a pKa at all?
I understand that pKa is used to measure the acidity of a molecule, but theoretically do all molecules have a pKa, even if they don't have hydrogen? Or do they not? Or is it infinite?
I ask because I know both H2O and H3O+ have significant pKas, as well as NH3 and NH4+. But no one has ever explicitly taught me how to consideignore pKa of other conjugate pairs.
submitted by spacepunkk to chemhelp [link] [comments]

conjugate base of hcl video

Conjugate Acid Base Pairs, Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowry and ... Conjugate acids and bases - YouTube Identify Conjugate Acid Base Pairs (Bronsted Lowry) - YouTube Chemistry - Finding pH of Weak Acids and Bases Conjugate Acids & Bases  Acids, Bases & Alkali's ... HCl + H2O (Hydrochloric acid plus Water) - YouTube Conjugate acid-base pairs (differ by an H+ in formula ... Conjugate Acid and Base Pairs - YouTube 16.2 Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs - YouTube

HCl is a strong acid. When it donates a proton, a Cl – ion is produced, and so Cl – is the conjugate base. CH 3 NH 2 is an amine and therefore a weak base. Adding a proton gives CH 3 NH 3 +, its conjugate acid. Adding a proton to the strong base OH – gives H 2 O its conjugate acid. What is the conjugate base in the following reaction? answer choices . HCO 3- HCl. H 2 CO 3 . Cl-Tags: Question 2 . SURVEY . 30 seconds . Q. What is the conjugate acid in the following equation? answer choices . PO 4 3- HNO 3 . NO 3- HPO 4 2-Tags: Question 3 . SURVEY . 30 seconds . Q. What is the conjugate base of HCO 3-? answer choices . HCO 3-H 2 CO 3-H 2 CO 3. CO 3 2-Tags: Question 4 ... Somit bezeichnet man das Cl-auch als konjugierte Base der Säure HCl, entsprechend ist H 3 O + die konjugierte Säure der Base H 2 O. Somit gilt: HCl/Cl-und H 3 O + /H 2 O sind konjugierte (korrespondierende, einander zugeordnete) Säure-Base-Paare. 1. acid is HCl, base is H20, conjugate acid is H3+ and conjugate base is Cl-2. H20 has the strongest conjugate base. 3. [H+] = 3.65 x 10^-7 M. 4. solution is acidic HCl/Cl⁻ and HOCl/OCl⁻ are acid-base conjugate pairs, but HCl/OCl⁻ is not. b. False. H₂SO₄ ⇌ H⁺ + HSO₄⁻ HSO₄⁻ ⇌ H⁺ + SO₄²⁻ H₂SO₄/HSO₄⁻ and HSO₄⁻/SO₄²⁻ are acid-base conjugate pairs, but H₂SO₄/SO₄²⁻ is not. c. True. NH₄⁺ ⇌ H⁺ + NH₃. d. False. H₃O⁺ ⇌ H⁺ + H₂O. H₂O ⇌ H⁺ + OH⁻ H₃O⁺/H₂O and H₂O/OH⁻ are ... Compare HCl, NaOH, and NaCl: HCl is a stronger acid than water. NaCl is a weaker base than NaOH. Strong acids react with strong bases to form weaker acids and bases. HCl + NaOH---> H 2 O + NaCl: stronger acid: stronger base: weaker conjugate acid: weaker conjugate base: 3. Compare NaOH, NH 3, and H 2 O, and NH 4 Cl: NaOH is a stronger base than NH 3. Water is a weaker acid than NH 4 Cl. Weaker ... Answer to: Write the formula for the conjugate base of each acid. Express your answer as an ion. a) HCl b) H_2SO_3 c) HCHO_2 d) HF By signing up,... 1) Look at the products side and find the compound that lost an H+ ion. This is the conjugate base. 2) Then look at the reactants side and find the compound that has an H+ ion before it lost it during the reaction. This is the acid. Example: HCl + H2PO4-----> Cl + H3PO4 Acid: HCl Base: H2PO4 Conjugate acid: H3PO4 Conjugate base: Cl Think you ... Which among the following represent the conjugate acid/base pairs? This question has multiple correct options. View solution. Determine the conjugate acid/base pair : View solution. Assertion: The amino acid glycine predominantly exists in the form of ⊕ N H 3 C H 2 C O O ⊝. Reason: The conjugate acid of glycine is N H 2 C H 2 C O O ⊝. Read the above assertion and reason and choose the ... konjugierte Base der Säure HCl : Ein konjugiertes Säure-Base-Paar unterscheidet sich also um ein Proton. Die allgemeine Schreibweise des Dissoziationsgleichgewichts einer Säure in wässriger Lösung sieht folgendermassen aus: HA + H 2 O : H 3 O + ...

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Conjugate Acid Base Pairs, Arrhenius, Bronsted Lowry and ...

Acids and their conjugate bases, and bases and their conjugate acids. Water has both properties of an acid and a base. Introduction to conjugate acids and bases. Created by Sal Khan.Chemistry on Khan Academy: Did you know that everything is made out of chemicals? Chemistry is... Learn everything about Conjugate Acids and Bases. We explain this with the real world example of vinegar.At Fuse School, teachers and animators come together... NOTE: final problem is referring to kb of the conjugate base. This video teaches you how to find the pH of weak acids and bases with k less than 10^-4. For more information on how to do them for ... The content of this video is designed to accompany the 12th edition of "Chemistry The Central Science" by Brown, Lemay, Bursten, Murphy, and Woodward. The ti... About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators ... Use Bronsted Lowry Acid/Base Theory to identify conjugate acid base pairs.More free chemistry help at www.chemistnate.com This chemistry video tutorial explains the concept of acids and bases using the arrhenius definition, bronsted - lowry and lewis acid base definition. It al... In this video we will look at the equation for HCl + H2O and write the products. When we add HCl to H2O the HCl will dissociate and break into H+ and Cl-. ...

conjugate base of hcl

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